
Showing posts from November 6, 2018

Step-3: Publish To Bin Tray

Step-3: Publish To Bin Tray Publish From Local To BinTray Steps To Follow 1. Now change the git branch to 3-publish. 2. Sign up for  bintray . 3. Create Repo-artifactory and organization in bin tray. 4. Generate the keys in bintray for publishing. Enter password, click submit, keys will be generated and store it safe. 5. Set the keys as environment variables in your local. export BINTRAY_USER=maheshrajannan export BINTRAY_KEY= 6. Get,set, publish. ./gradlew -Prelease.useLastTag=true final 7. Check it in bin tray. 8. Do publish to local and see the version. ./gradlew -Prelease.useLastTag=true publishToMavenLocal 9. Now just do final to see the version numbers increment in github and bintray. ./gradlew final <--Previous Next-->