
Showing posts from November 7, 2018

Step-2-b: Tag Github And Publish To Local

Step-2-b: Tag Github And Publish To Local 1. Just delete generated repo artifacts in local. Maheshs-MBP-2:repository maheshrajannan$ pwd /Users/maheshrajannan/.m2/repository Maheshs-MBP-2:repository maheshrajannan$ rm -fr io 2. Set release version and publish Maheshs-MBP-2:gradle-release-demo maheshrajannan$ pwd /Users/maheshrajannan/git/gradle-release-demo Maheshs-MBP-2:gradle-release-demo maheshrajannan$ ./gradlew -Prelease.version=0.8.0 publishToMavenLocal 3.Observe the version numbers change. 4. Just observe the tags in github. 5. What just happened here ? The gradle plugins we applied tagged the Github repo and then published the artifact to maven local. The artifact is named as v0.8.0 and the corresponding source code is tagged. 6. You can create an other tag by " ./gradlew -info final publishToMavenLocal "  7. Check the local jars. <--Previous Next-->